Miss Moss

welcome to the miss moss site i guess?

feelin' The current mood of ComicSams at www.imood.com

Uses HTML Uses CSS Powered By Electricity Makes People Smile Made With Crayons Built With <3 Built By Developers 60% Of The Time Works Every Time



May 26, 2023 Yes, it's time... the Miss Moss website has gotten a brand-new, completely fresh redesign to celebrate becoming a Neocities supporter! Bask in the fresh new carpet! Webgardens and the Monster Machine are still here - they have the same links as before, but the old Webgardens link now redirects you to the new site! Of course, the site's very best feature, the fish, are still here (they're scared of the sidebar and the pet ████, though... be gentle). Everything's hand-coded this time - no shenanigans. Don't worry if you miss the old site, though. It's on the Wayback Machine!

March 8, 2022 Someone showed interest in adding to Webgardens again so I just had to stop procrastinating on updating the site!

May 5, 2021 Fixed the feedback button. Tried to add a flag map, but it didn't work.

April 30, 2021 Go check out the Teeny Tower residential building! My rooms aren't done yet, I'll add them once I'm ready.

April 29, 2021 I have changed a lot of things! Unfortunately, a good chunk of it is stuff only I can see, and all it does is help make the website creation process a little easier. I have added some parts to the Monster Machine made by MelonKing, so thanks to him for that!

April 16, 2021 I've been working on something cool. It's gonna be a little while before it's ready.

April 12, 2021 The Analog Horror Documentation Project (henceforth known as AHDP) is now live and better than ever. Also, I fixed my webgarden and all the webgarden-related pages. If you see any weird broken image links anywhere, I'm working on a way to display every image from a folder. This should help make it easier to display my stamps. As one more update, I'm joining Roxelle's Sticker Game, which you can find the button for in the navigation to the left.

March 10, 2021 Whew, I finally got (most of) the site working, powered by Eleventy and Nunjucks! As you can see, (almost) everything is here and ready, including our dear friends, the fish.

Flag Counter
Fa Teen, one of the censorship pandas from Mabsland.com

This site contains slightly offensive material. High chance of mild swearing, partial nudity, violence and adult themes.

(well, not really even much of that, but I want to be safe)

Creative Commons License

hey! add my button!

thanks to Key for making it!

rip dead fanlistings :( you will be missed

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The zebra's stripes are known to protect it from blood-sucking insects

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